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Learning about being a parent

A little while ago we were introduced to Jess, a student on her way to becoming a midwife. She wanted to understand more about people's experiences of being pregnant and becoming parents. We agreed to work together to learn more about experiences of the pandemic, what was helpful and what might be missing.

As we began to meet regularly, we talked to Claire who is passionate about Chapeltown and works as an independent midwife. She explained that there is a real lack of ways for parents to be and new mums to meet together and share stories and support eachother. She has been running a walking group for mums in Potternewton Park but felt that as the weather becomes colder and slippier there may be opportunities for indoor get-togethers.

As part of the National Baby Week we have agreed to pilot a weekly drop in everyone Monday 2 til 3pm, allowing both a midwife and midwife-to-be to meet with parents and parents-to-be. Anyone beginning their journey as a parent is very welcome to join us and enjoy a bump and baby friendly meet up with free refreshments.

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