Leeds ran a city wide Year of Reading to September 2020 but with the pandemic leading to the closure of libraries it doesn't feel like we got to experience as many new books as we would have liked... and sometimes we have found our work-life balance doesn't allow us a trip to the library during opening hours.
In the nursery, we have been asking ourselves "how we can fit a bit more reading in?" Right now we are reading all about painting exterior wood as - thanks to the support of local councillors who have helped us buy raw materials - one of our dads has created this stunning little library.
We know reading sparks creativity and curiosity in children. Exploring stories we read through play can help to develop skills such as empathy and problem-solving. It helps us to build our vocabulary and our understanding of the world. Reading has also been linked to reductions in stress and anxiety.
At Chapeltown Community Nursery we want to embed a culture where play and imagination, such as through books and reading, take top priority... and maybe the library doesn't just has to have books in - perhaps we can share favourite movies, colouring sheets and other playful activities, recipes? Right now we have an undercoat needing to dry but we will be letting you know the very moment the little library is on our wall - who knows what you might pick up when you visit?